Explanation of Game Modes

Home Forums Name That Game Help Explanation of Game Modes

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Nick Gagne 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    Nick Gagne

    Winning Streak

    There is no overall time limit in this game mode. The round ends when you guess incorrectly or if you reach the individual song time limit. Identify as many video games in a row to set the high score.

    20-Track Trip

    There is no overall time limit in this game mode. You will be presented with twenty randomly selected video game music clips. The round ends once you’ve had a chance to identify each of the twenty tracks. Identify as many video games of the twenty tracks correctly in a row to set the high score. The faster you identify each video game, the more bonus points you will receive.

    2-Minute Rush

    You have two minutes to identify as many video games as possible. Score two points for each correct answer, but lose one point for each incorrect answer. There is no time limit for individual music clips. The round ends once two minutes of music has elapsed.

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